Professional Northern California Fishing Guide
Your Guide, Kevin Brock
Very few guides can match Kevin Brock’s level of knowledge, skill, experience, professionalism, and just plain fish-catching ability, because Kevin has been a full time fishing guide since 1995.
A lifetime of fishing honed by approximately 300 fishing days per year on the water means his clients will often be catching fish when others have failed.
Kevin runs family-friendly guided trips, and families are encouraged to come fishing together for a day of fishing and a lifetime of memories. When you want the best of guides, and want to catch fish – call Kevin Brock today at 800-995-5543. You’ll be glad you did.
You won’t find a better professional Northern California fishing guide, whether you need an expert salmon guide, steelhead guide, striper guide, shad guide, sturgeon guide, fly fishing guide, lake bass/salmon guide, or trout guide.
The testimonials prove it!

Striped Bass Fishing
Guided fishing for hard-fighting striped bass (stripers) is available in various locations throughout the year. Feather River striper fishing, Sacramento River striper fishing, and California Delta striper fishing can all be very productive. Where the fishing is best is where we’ll be!
>> Sacramento & Feather Rivers Stripers
>> California Delta Stripers
Salmon Fishing
Kevin Brock offers guided salmon fishing trips in numerous locations throughout the year, including Feather River salmon fishing, Sacramento River salmon fishing, Klamath River salmon fishing, and Smith River salmon fishing.
>> Feather River King Salmon
>> Klamath River King Salmon
>> Sacramento River King Salmon
>> Smith River King Salmon
>> Lake Oroville King Salmon

Steelhead Fishing
World-class guided fishing for steelhead trout is available throughout Northern California. From January to March, steelhead fishing in the Smith River, Chetco River, and Eel River can be excellent. In the fall, Sacramento River and Feather River steelhead fishing is available.
Wild Trout & Shad Fishing
Kevin Brock offers guided fishing trips for trout and shad. The Sacramento River in Redding has an excellent world-class wild trout fishery, and large trout are common there. The Sacramento River in the Chico area has large seasonal spring runs of acrobatic shad, offering excellent shad fishing, and Lake Oroville can have great landlocked salmon fishing.

On a personal note:
"I have been a full time fishing guide since 1993. Guiding has been my only source of income, and everything we own is from guiding fishermen. I started at 19 years old with only an old truck and a drift boat.
In April of 2015, I had a life-changing experience. I'm still here today only because of the grace of God and a great medical staff at UC Davis. As a result of that experience, my heart has softened with compassion and love, and my drive for success and catching fish has been taken to an even higher level.
Lots of things have changed since the early days, but one thing still remains the same: the love of the fish. I truly love fishing! Being able to share with others and make a living is such a blessing. I've been given so much from this business ... I'm truly blessed to give back. All levels from beginning to experienced anglers are welcome!
I'm looking forward to taking care of you and your family or crew on the water. You will always receive 100% professionalism from me, and have a great fishing experience."

Bass Pro Shops Seminars
Kevin Brock demonstrates professional fishing tips and techniques at Bass Pro Shops, upcoming dates posted when available.
Kevin on Radio!
Listen to Kevin Brock live on Saturday mornings from 6am-8am on the California Sportsmen Radio Show, on KHTK 1140 AM Sacramento, California. Techniques and secrets for Northern California waters are discussed in detail with host Sep Hendrickson.

Contact Us Now to Book Your Next Trip!
Kevin Brock is a year-round professional fishing guide, specializing in guided trips on top West Coast rivers and lakes. Averaging over 300 days per year on the water, he is rated as one of the best salmon guides and steelhead guides by the Salmon and Steelhead Journal. Fish On